Incorporating health and wellness vitamins into your daily routine can feel empowering; you’re finally giving your mind and body what they need to perform their best. Sometimes, we expect our vitamins to have an immediate effect, but that’s not always how our bodies respond to new medicines and supplements.

When you don’t notice a quick turnaround on the vitamins you take, you may question how effective they really are. Don’t fret; not all vitamins interact with your body in the same ways. Depending on various factors, your vitamins will work differently.

It can be difficult to tell whether your vitamins are working or not, especially if you don’t know when to expect them to take effect. So, let’s offer you some clarity on when you can expect to see some results.

What Affects How Long It Takes For Vitamins to Work?

Between each vitamin and person, you’re going to have a different answer to the following question. How long does it take for vitamins to work? There are several aspects to you and your vitamins that will affect the time it takes to see an impact; let’s walk through them together.

We’ll start with components pertaining to who you are:

How You Affect How Long it Takes for Vitamins to Work


If your body is crying out for a particular vitamin, it will absorb that vitamin faster. Although treating your body to a lacking vitamin is helpful, it doesn’t mean the vitamin will take effect right away. 

When your body is deficient, it’s in great need of a particular vitamin. Of course, if you give your body the vitamins it’s deficient in, it will gladly absorb them, but that doesn’t mean they’ll immediately be effective.

It will take time to replenish your system to healthier levels. For your body to benefit from a particular vitamin, it needs to have a sufficient amount of it to run through your digestive system and bloodstream. If you’re vitamin deficient, you need to restore your system to healthy baseline levels before they can work to their full potential. 

Over time, your body will grow more accustomed to having a certain amount of vitamins in its system and will be able to reallocate it to the right places.

person drinking water wearing athletic clothing


Your lifestyle and the other ways you treat your body aside from vitamin and mineral levels can impact the supplements' effectiveness. 

Certain lifestyle habits, such as drinking alcohol and caffeine or smoking, can cause malabsorption and require a higher intake to reach sufficient levels. In the same respect, activities like water consumption, exercise, and time spent outdoors can improve absorption and help vitamin supplements take effect sooner rather than later.

Medical Conditions

Everybody’s taking the same vitamins, but not everyone’s body operates in the same way. When it comes to vitamins, they’re constant, but our bodies can be the dependent variables that change how long it takes for vitamins to work.

Certain health issues can also impact absorption. Some people cannot absorb certain vitamins due to gut diseases like coeliac or inflammatory bowel disease.

A medical condition can also increase your body’s requirements. For example, obesity increases the inflammatory response of the nervous system, which increases the need for anti-inflammatory nutrients such as long-chain omega-3s.

Different size and color pills scattered on table

Why Your Vitamins Work At Different Speeds

The other component aside from your body that impacts the speed at which a vitamin works is the composition itself.

The Vitamin

Vitamins come in different forms; you can find the same nutrient in a liquid, capsule, or whole food. Depending on the form, a vitamin might take more or less time to absorb.

Vitamins taken in liquid form will generally have a faster effect than a capsule. Capsules make for an additional barrier for your body to break down, slowing down your absorption and therefore delaying its effects. 

Another reason why form can impact effectiveness is due to physical limitations. One capsule can only contain so much of one vitamin, limiting your dosage and the overall effectiveness.

Depending on how your vitamin is made and its form, it can take more or less time to see results.

Water vs. Fat Soluble

Another factor to consider when determining how long it will take for a vitamin to be effective is whether the vitamin is water or fat-soluble. Fat-soluble means requiring fat to be absorbed, while water-soluble means you can only absorb a vitamin through water.

Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body and, therefore, may not need to be taken in as high a dose as water-soluble vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water and are easily absorbed into tissue, allowing them to have a slightly faster impact.


Many vitamins and minerals interact to improve or weaken each other's effects. For this reason, taking multiple vitamins might impact how long it takes to see their benefits.

A good example of how vitamins might interact would be the relationship between Vitamin D and calcium. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, so if you have low levels of Vitamin D, you will struggle to maintain a healthy calcium level. If you’re calcium deficient, you’ll find it easier to return to equilibrium by improving your Vitamin D levels as well.

There are several vitamins and minerals that work together in the same way that Vitamin D and calcium do. For example, plant-based iron is best absorbed with Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 relies on zinc, and curcumin is best absorbed when taken with piperine.

While there are complementary vitamins, pairings can also weaken each other's effects. For example, zinc and copper compete for absorption in the small intestine.

To get the most out of your vitamins as quickly as possible, you’ll want to ensure you’re not consuming competing ones.

person holding waterbottle

Take Your Vitamins

Taking your vitamins is essential, especially when they’re helping your body function, perform, and recover most efficiently. Your vitamins will affect you at different rates depending on what they are and who you are.

The answer to how long it takes for vitamins to work is; that it depends. By consulting with your doctor, you can better understand how your body might interact with your supplements. 

At Ultimate Nutrition, we can’t control your daily habits, but we can ensure we’re doing our part to create high-quality supplements. Our team of expert scientists and formulators come together to develop advanced and effective formulas to help increase muscle, stimulate weight loss, improve health and wellness, and boost performance. 

Continue to provide your body with the balanced diet, exercise, and supportive supplements your body needs (under the guidance of your doctor), and you’ll ultimately see the results you’ve been seeking.

Maven Nzeutem
Tagged: Health


I made the decision to study up on vitamins because my aunt has expressed interest in trying them. It’s a good thing I found your article because you mentioned how the effectiveness of supplements can be impacted by your lifestyle and other ways you treat your body than vitamins. I’ll be sure to let her know about this and suggest that they look into local pharmacies. I appreciate you sharing!

— Victoria Addington